Resultados: 4

Analysis of the technological production of three professional master's programs in the field of nursing

Objective: to analyze the technological production of three professional master programs in the area of Nursing. Method: documentary research on primary sources. A total of 100 graduate nurses from three professional master's programs in Nursing in the Southeastern region of Brazil were analyzed, based ...

Development of a journal club on the Nursing management process

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop a journal club on management topics in Nursing. Method: Action research, adopting content analysis as methodological reference and the journal club strategy. 12 nursing managers of a public hospital in the state of São Paulo participated from August to November 2016. Re...

Conhecimento de mulheres sobre ist/aids: intervindo com educação em saúde

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 15 (2), 2016
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento de mulheres sobre prevenção, transmissão e percepção de vulnerabilidade em relação às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) e Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS). Trata-se de um estudo "antes e depois", descritivo, de a...